HIPAA Advisor
- The HIPAA Academy™ Advisor will eliminate the need for your employees to spend time studying HIPAA.
- The Advisor will elaborate on all changes in the federal regulations and how they directly affect your organization and lines of business.
- The Advisor will analyze the “HIPAA Impact” of all business initiative.
- The Advisor can help you leverage HIPAA in your sales process.
HIPAA Risk Analysis and Audit
- The HIPAA Academy™ Advisor will conduct an accurate and thorough assessment of the potential risks and vulnerabilities to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of electronic PHI. Note that the final HIPAA Security Rule establishes both risk analysis and risk management as required implementation specifications.
- The Advisor will perform periodic audits of your organization to ensure compliance requirements and internal HIPAA policies are being met.
HIPAA Privacy and Security Policies and Procedures
- The HIPAA Academy™ Advisor will evaluate on a regular basis all Privacy and Security policies and procedures.
- The Advisor will help with the creation of new policies and procedures to meet changes in HIPAA regulations.
Business Associate Contracts (BACs)
- The HIPAA Academy™ Advisor will act as a central point to review and monitor all Business Associate Contracts (BAC) and Vendor Associate Contracts (VAC) and identify any potential risks or concerns.
- The Advisor will create a master BAC that can be used for all vendors and partners of the client.
HIPAA Gap Analysis and Remediation
- The HIPAA Academy™ Advisor will perform a Privacy and Security Gap Analysis to identify all potential gaps that your organization faces with the Privacy and new Security Rule.
- The HIPAA Academy™ will help document, log and manage all Privacy & Security remediation projects.
HIPAA Training
- The HIPAA Academy™ Advisor eliminates the need for you to send staff for training seminars.
- The Advisor will develop and deliver in house training programs based on job role requirements.
- The Advisor will help develop marketing materials that will identify what your organization has done to become compliant and how it will benefit your clients.
- HIPAA Sales Training for all members of your business development team.
- HIPAA Brief for all members of your management and executive team
For more information about HIPAA Academy’s consulting services, please contact Krystal Perez at +1.515.987.4044 ext 25 or Krystal.Perez@ecfirst.com.